Just Put Cloves in Baking Soda and You Don’t Need to Spend Money at the Store (Did You Know That?)


Baking Soda: Baking soda is a powerhouse for cleaning and deodorizing. It helps absorb odors, cleans surfaces without scratching, and can be used as a natural cleaner for nearly every corner of your home. It’s also gentle on the skin, making it a popular ingredient in homemade skincare remedies.

How to Use Cloves and Baking Soda Together
1. Air Freshener

You can create a natural air freshener by simply placing cloves in an open container of baking soda. This mixture will not only neutralize bad odors in any room but will also leave behind a pleasant, warm scent of cloves. Place the container in areas like the kitchen, bathroom, or closet, and enjoy the fresh fragrance!