Citrus peel, do not throw them away, put them in a jar and savour the result


Citrus peeings, do not throw them away, put them in a jar and enjoy the result.

Citrus fruits are very important for our health because they have essential properties and vitamins for the well-being of our body. Did you know that citrus peel is also very useful? We advise you not to throw them away but to discover some natural remedies so that you can reuse them at home. By following a few tips, you can create perfect fragrances for your home and many other things. Find out how.

Citrus fruit bars: Wash and perfume your house and linen

To perfume and clean your house and laundry, you can use citrus bark. To make delicious fragrances, simply boil all the citrus peel in the water. It is preferable to let them cook for a few hours so that they develop their aroma fully. If you wish, you can also add other flavourings and spices to the mixture, for example opt for cloves, cinnamon or star anise.

To perfume your laundry perfectly, you can also use an alternative remedy. Gather a lot of citrus peel, let them dry, chop them finely and place them in a cloth bag. In this way, you get a perfect natural deodorant for your laundry. With this solution, your clothes and linen will always have a unique and special fragrance.

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