Clear Your Lungs❗ Stop Coughing in Three Days! Recipe for bronchitis



  1. Prepare the Cloves:
    • Crush the whole cloves slightly with a mortar and pestle or the back of a spoon to release their oils, which contain the active ingredients.
  2. Steep the Cloves:
    • Place the crushed cloves in a cup.
    • Pour boiling water over the cloves and cover the cup with a saucer or lid. Let it steep for about 10-15 minutes. This allows the medicinal properties of the cloves to infuse into the water.
  3. Strain and Flavor:
    • Strain the tea to remove the cloves.
    • Add honey and a squeeze of lemon juice to enhance the taste and add to the soothing effect. Honey is excellent for coating the throat and easing coughs, while lemon adds a bit of vitamin C.
  4. Drink the Tea:
    • Drink this clove tea two to three times a day. Start as soon as you feel symptoms of bronchitis and continue until symptoms subside.

Additional Tips:

  • Consistency is Key: For best results, ensure to drink the tea regularly over the three days. It helps to start as soon as symptoms appear.
  • Stay Warm: Keeping warm and avoiding cold drafts can help prevent coughs from worsening.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids to help thin mucus and keep your mucous membranes moist.
  • Humidity Helps: Use a humidifier in your room to add moisture to the air, which can help loosen mucus and soothe irritated airways.

Why It Works:

  • Cloves: They contain eugenol, a compound that has natural pain-relief properties and can act as an expectorant, helping to break up mucus in the lungs and ease breathing.
  • Honey: It has antibacterial properties and acts as a natural cough suppressant.
  • Lemon: Provides a vitamin C boost which can help strengthen the immune system to fight off infection.

This clove tea remedy is a traditional home treatment that can provide relief from the symptoms of bronchitis, especially when it comes to coughing and feeling congested. However, if symptoms persist or worsen, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional. Bronchitis can become serious if not adequately treated.