Health-Conscious Grandma’s Peach Cobbler Pie


– 1 cup flour – whole wheat is a heart-healthy option
– 1/4 cup sugar – opt for moderation to maintain overall wellness
– 1/4 cup brown sugar – adds flavor with a lower glycemic index
– 1 tsp baking powder – gives a light, fluffy texture
– 1/2 tsp salt – important for electrolyte balance
– 6 tbsp cold unsalted butter – a healthier fat option to support cardiovascular health
– 1/4 cup hot water

Radiant Finish:

– 3 tbsp sugar – to keep that sweet flavor with controlled portions
– 1/4 tsp cinnamon – supports metabolic health


1. Preheat oven to 425°F – setting the stage for a delicious, heart-warming dessert.

2. Mix the fruity filling ingredients and place them in a 9×13-inch dish – full of nutrients to support your overall health.

3. Combine the golden crust ingredients and spread evenly over the peaches – for a perfect balance of taste and nutrition.

4. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon – adding flavor while keeping your health in mind.

5. Bake for 40-45 minutes until golden – ensuring a delicious dessert that supports a balanced diet.