Revitalize Your Garden: The Benefits of Burying Citrus Peels


Do you love gardening and want to naturally enrich your soil? Don’t throw away those citrus peels! They are packed with nutrients that can transform your garden into a thriving oasis. Burying citrus peels is an eco-friendly practice that promotes plant growth and reduces waste. In this article, we’ll explore why and how you should incorporate citrus peels into your gardening routine for healthier plants.

Why Bury Citrus Peels?
Citrus peels, like orange, lemon, and lime peels, are rich in essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. When buried in the soil, these peels decompose quickly and release valuable nutrients that improve soil health. They also contain natural compounds that deter pests, offering a double benefit for your garden. This sustainable practice is perfect for gardeners who want to make the most of their kitchen scraps and enhance soil quality.

Step-by-Step Guide to Burying Citrus Peels
Choose the Right Spot: Select an area in your garden where you plan to grow nutrient-hungry plants like leafy greens, tomatoes, or root vegetables. These plants will benefit the most from citrus peels.
Prepare the Soil: Dig a trench or hole in the designated area, ensuring it is deep enough to fully cover the citrus peels. This also helps aerate the soil and promote healthy root development.
Add Citrus Peels: Evenly distribute a variety of citrus peels at the bottom of the trench. Spreading them in a single layer helps them decompose efficiently.
Enhance with Dolomite Lime: Sprinkle a generous amount of dolomite lime over the citrus peels to further enrich the soil and balance its pH levels. Dolomite lime neutralizes acidity and supports beneficial microbes that aid in decomposition.