Remember these tips to treat bad breath at home right away so it doesn’t affect your work and daily communication.



  • Scoop 1 tablespoon of fennel seeds and put them directly into your mouth to chew, then throw them away when your mouth is full of saliva.
  • Alternatively, a mixture of cumin, cardamom and cloves can be crushed for the same effect.

Cure bad breath with dill leaves

1.7 Treat bad breath with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a product used by many Eastern medicine pharmacies to treat bad breath. Apple cider vinegar contains ingredients such as amino acids, acetic acid, vitamins and minerals . Thanks to that, this material has a high antiseptic effect and effectively cures bad breath.

Doing :

To treat bad breath with apple cider vinegar at home, you can take 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar diluted with water and gargle right after meals or at night before going to bed.

Treat bad breath with apple cider vinegar

1.8 Tips to treat bad breath with guava leaves

Guava is a fruit tree familiar to everyone. However, few people know that guava leaves are also a very good medicine to treat bad breath. Guava leaves contain many substances such as Tannin, Phosphorus and Oxalic Acid,… which are all very effective in removing plaque and bad breath.


  • Method 1: Use young guava leaves, wash and mash with salt, then chew directly for about 5 minutes and then rinse your mouth with diluted salt water to help clean your mouth and make your teeth brighter.
  • Method 2: Boil a few young guava leaves with water, then add 1 teaspoon of sea salt and stir well. Use the mixture as mouthwash 2-3 times a day.

Tips to treat bad breath with guava leaves

1.9 Simple way to treat bad breath with grapefruit peel

Grapefruit is a popular fruit and is easy to find in markets and supermarkets. Grapefruit contains many essential oils so it is very effective in eliminating bacteria thanks to its excellent deodorizing ability.


  • Chew grapefruit peel immediately after each meal to clean your mouth and eliminate odors. Do this for about 5 minutes, then rinse your mouth with warm water.
  • Boil grapefruit peel with 300 ml of water. Let the water boil for about 10 minutes, then add a little salt and turn off the stove. Wait for the water to cool then use it to rinse your mouth every day.

How to treat bad breath with grapefruit peel

1.10 Treat bad breath with coriander leaves

Coriander leaves, also known as coriander, contain many essential oils and have a characteristic mild aroma. Coriander leaves contain many aromatic essential oils and substances such as protein , phosphorus, vitamin C and glucid that are very effective in killing bacteria that cause bad breath.


Cut 50g of coriander leaves into pieces, then boil with 100 ml of water for about 10 minutes and wait for it to cool, then add 1 teaspoon of salt. Use the mixture to rinse your mouth every day, 3 – 5 times a day.

Treat bad breath with coriander leaves

1.11 Use yogurt to treat bad breath

Yogurt not only helps increase resistance but also has a very good effect in eliminating bad breath because yogurt contains bacteria that can prevent substances that cause bad breath. This is a simple and effective way to treat bad breath but quite few people know.

Doing :

Eating yogurt or drinking yogurt every day can significantly reduce the amount of hydrogen sulfide in the mouth that causes bad odor.

1.12 Tips to treat bad breath with coconut oil

Treating bad breath with coconut oil is a method with natural ingredients and has the ability to treat bad breath as well as tooth decay. This method is simple, effective and easy to find, so many people choose it.

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