Remember these tips to treat bad breath at home right away so it doesn’t affect your work and daily communication.



  • Use green tea as a daily drink to beautify the skin, prevent aging, strengthen teeth and eliminate unpleasant odors.
  • In addition, you can use cold green tea to rinse your mouth every day, especially after each meal, to gradually remove tartar and improve bad breath.

Green tea leaves to treat bad breath

1.3 Cure bad breath with fresh ginger

Ginger is an indispensable ingredient in the kitchen and is an extremely easy way to cure bad breath. Compound 6 – Gingerol found in ginger will stimulate enzymes in saliva to decompose unpleasant substances in the mouth and freshen breath.

Doing :

  • Prepare a few slices of ginger and put them in boiling water for about 5 minutes, then add a little sea salt.
  • Using this solution to rinse your mouth twice a day will be very effective in treating bad breath.

Cure bad breath with fresh ginger

1.4 Treat bad breath with fresh lemon

Lemon has long been used to treat bad breath because it has high antiseptic properties, so it deodorizes very well. When using lemon juice to treat bad breath, you will see quick results from the first use.


  • Prepare 1 fresh lemon, squeeze the juice and mix with 300 ml of filtered water. Then put in the refrigerator and use twice a day or after meals.
  • Then, use clean water to rinse your mouth to avoid the acid in lemon juice being too high and causing tooth corrosion.

Treat bad breath with fresh lemon

1.5 Use cinnamon powder and honey and lemon juice to treat bad breath

The combination of cinnamon powder and honey is also an effective way to treat bad breath. Honey has the ability to inhibit and prevent the growth of bacteria. Cinnamon is very fragrant and has antiseptic properties, so when used to treat bad breath, it is very effective.


  • Mix 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder with 2 teaspoons of honey, then stir well with warm water.
  • Use this solution to rinse your mouth every day to help improve fresh and pleasant breath.

Pure wild honey mixed with Xuan Nguyen royal jelly 200 ml

1.6 Cure bad breath with dill leaves

Dill is an herb often used to flavor dishes and effectively deodorize. This herb has antibacterial properties so it can treat bad breath problems.

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