Remember these tips to treat bad breath at home right away so it doesn’t affect your work and daily communication.


Bad breath is not a dangerous disease, but it will make the sufferer feel extremely self-conscious and afraid to communicate with others. Don’t worry too much, Kitchen Tips and Tricks will guide you through simple ways to treat bad breath at home as well as effective preventive measures!

The most effective ways to treat bad breath at home

1.1 Treat bad breath with mint leaves

Mint leaves have a characteristic cool flavor and have very high deodorizing and antibacterial properties, helping to treat bad breath and disinfect extremely well.


  • Use fresh mint leaves to crush and extract the juice.
  • Mix this water with filtered water in a 1:3 ratio to gargle daily. If you can eat mint leaves raw, it will be more effective.

Treat bad breath with mint leaves

1.2 Use green tea leaves to treat bad breath

Green tea has high antioxidants and antibacterial properties that are used for good oral hygiene. Reality has shown that people who regularly drink green tea will not have bad breath and people with bad breath can gargle with green tea several times a day.

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