Whoa, I had no idea you could make these biscuits out of just 3 ingredients


Opting for buttermilk instead of regular milk can infuse your biscuits with a richer flavor and tender texture.

Feel free to stir in extras like shredded cheese, chives, or crumbled bacon for an added twist.

If you have leftovers, they reheat beautifully in the oven or toaster, preserving their charm for another day.

The dough might be stickier than expected due to the mayonnaise; this ensures the biscuits remain moist and tender.

Gentle mixing is key; overworking the dough can lead to dense biscuits. Aim for a soft, pillowy texture.

This recipe, both timeless and tailored, is straightforward enough for bustling mornings yet special enough for Sunday dinners. Embrace the comfort, the simplicity, and the homemade taste that evokes memories of home and heart. Here's to happy baking and the joy of sharing these little bundles of warmth.